Trip Report: Crickhollow Winter Carnival

As I posted last week, the Second Breakfast kinship of Crickhollow kindly invited me to their Winter Carnival this past weekend to help co-judge the outfit contest portion of their festivities. There were many wonderful outfits in the three categories of Classiest Ballroom Outfit, Best Winter Attire, and Wildest Holiday Partier. As always, I loved seeing everyone’s outfits and creativity on display.

There was also great music by the Breakfast Club band, a fun Frostbluff Theatre-style play, and drunken backward racing around the Thorin’s Gate area. I had a great time, and it was really nice to have been invited and meet folks on Crickhollow. Rosalie and Second Breakfast did a wonderful job of hosting the event — it was very smooth and they were great hosts. It was nice to see a few names from the comments here on The Starry Mantle as well!

Thanks to everyone for a great time! Here’s a shot of me (the short one) and my lovely co-judge, Miridial Gloredh of Wandering Around Arda (the tall one).

Gloredh and Starry

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5 Responses to Trip Report: Crickhollow Winter Carnival

  1. gloredh says:

    It sure was a great time! /cheer! 😀

  2. Thank you again for joining us! You were an amazing guest judge and it was such an honour to host you and Gloredh here on Crickhollow. And I’m glad we could get a few new readers hooked on your blog.

  3. cennwyn says:

    It was good to see you, Starry! I had to bail early for an event on Laurelin, but it sounds like things only got better after the already enjoyable music and costume contest.

    • Thanks Cennwyn, it was lovely to see you too! I wish I could’ve chatted a bit but unfortunately at the beginning of the event while you were there I was having weird connectivity issues and trying to sort out the judging. But I hope you had a nice time while you were there! 🙂

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