Wandering Sage

The word Enedwaith referred both to the land between the rivers Greyflood and Isen and west of the Misty Mountains, and to the people that once dwelled there. The name itself means “middle-folk, middle-region”. In the Second Age, the Enedwaith people were a pre-Númenórean population descended from the Haladin of the First Age. In spite of this, the colonizing Númenóreans did not recognize them as distant kindred due to linguistic differences. They exacted tribute from the Enedwaith and decimated the land’s forests in order to obtain the lumber necessary for their ships. Though the indigenous people were subjugated or displaced, the land of Enedwaith never belonged fully to either Arnor or Gondor, but the main road between the two kingdoms ran through it, and cities and monuments were built along it, such as Tharbad. Eventually, Arnor fell and Gondor’s authority in Enedwaith was forsaken. The land returned to the wild, and to the descendants of the Enedwaith: the Dunlendings in the east and a wild fisherfolk along the coast. The old works of Gondor and Arnor were abandoned and fell into ruin.

This woman from the South-lands is a wandering sage keenly interested in the history of the Enedwaith for, like many Gondorians, part of her heritage can be traced to the pre-Númenórean folk who were absorbed into Gondor long ago. She has made the arduous journey north to study the ruins and meet with the folk of the region to learn all that she can of Gondor’s past. She wears a long linen tunic topped with a quilted silk doublet, and over these a richly-dyed surcoat of soft suede, embroidered with golden thread. A tall, cylindrical, brimmed hat shields her eyes from the sun, and upon her back is a fine leather pack loaded with several small tomes, parchment, quills and ink, and other scriveners’ materials which she will use to record her findings or to take rubbings of maker’s marks and other inscriptions found in the ancient stonework she visits.

This is an outfit that I’ve been wearing on my Lore-master for quite a while now, ever since Frostbluff was first introduced for the Yule festival. I really love those Frostbluff cosmetics with all their wonderful little details (like the corset-like lacing seen in the above screenshot) and I think this robe look great with this funny, infamous old hat. Besides, I like to think that any wandering sage worth his or her salt needs some kind of quirky signature headwear!

  • Head: Woodruff’s Hat (quest reward — North Downs [23] All’s Well); purchased — LOTRO Store; or looted — world drop/general), burgundy
  • Shoulders: Quilted Shoulder Guards (crafted — tailor T2; purchased — Bree-land light armour vendor; or looted — world drop/general), burgundy
  • Back: Map-maker’s Travel Pack (bartered — skirmish camp cosmetics quartermaster/cosmetic items; or purchased — LOTRO Store), umber
  • Chest: Frostbluff Robe of Thanks (quest reward — Yule festival [1] Good Deeds at Yule-time), burgundy
  • Hands: Elven Cotton Gloves (crafted — tailor T3; purchased — Rivendell light armour vendor; or looted — world drop/general), black
  • Feet: Slippers of Fém (quest reward — Angmar [43] Crannog’s Challenge), burgundy

Tips: The Frostbluff Robe of Thanks is rewarded for following the “help the poor” questline during the Yule festival to completion. The robe and matching dress arrive in the mail about a month after the end of the festival. The light elven gloves I used in this outfit can be found in many guises; just make sure you don’t use one of the pairs that has a tiny sea-blue border at the gloves’ opening.

TP Giveaway: Don’t forget to comment on one of the outfits posted this week so that your name can be entered in a draw to win a code for 1,550 Turbine Points. I’m making the draw on Monday, 4th June, so make sure to comment before then!

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38 Responses to Wandering Sage

  1. Lasswen says:

    Ah, I’ve been going to do a burgundy outfit for my loremaster using either this or the Extravagant chest item from Frost Bluff. Don’t know if I could quite make her wear that hat, but you make it work with those shoulders.

  2. Ariel says:

    Lovely outfit! I’m always impressed when I see someone use that hat and use it well – I have so much trouble making it work with any outfit. I also love the details on that dress, the design on the front especially so. It’s probably my favorite dress to work with!

  3. Anthemisi says:

    I’m fan of Frostbluff, cosmetics too. Burgundy is nice colour choise to be elegant

  4. I hate that hat on any character with the exception of female hobbits. In this outfit it sort of works, but I still hate it. Forgive me. I know it’s a personal issue. 😛

  5. This is a great post! I’ve always loved that robe and the colour you’ve put it in is great. I love the LM story and how it’s all brought together with the pack with tomes and parchment – one of my fav pieces! 😀

  6. Adam says:

    It reminds me of a St Patricks day guiness hat I used to have, only a bit brighter coloured! Its a great outfit, especially that back pack, I have that on my hobbit burglar!

  7. That robe is one of my favorite festival rewards, and I love seeing it used for different outfits. I have less positive feelings toward the hat, but it does work better in this outfit than I would have thought possible. Not enough to make me rush to find my own, though. 😀

  8. mephet says:

    I love the robe and dress of thanks 🙂 And only now did I notice that little detail on those shoes, very pretty. The hat… well, I’ve kept it in my bank, but not I’m afraid no beautiful outfit design is ever going to convince me to actually wear it.

  9. beorneoth says:

    I really like the robe, but, well….. That hat……. 🙂 I don’t know.

  10. Yulan says:

    I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one that doesn’t fall in love with the hat. It’s so comic, and most of the time I spend crawling in dark places I just forget there is humor in Middle Earth..

  11. Moraiwë says:

    I think this is an interesting example of where outfitting and roleplay intersect. Maybe MOST of us can’t work that hat as well, but this particular sage has a favorite hat and makes it her own!

    Agreed on the Frostbluff pieces — I keep as many colors as possible on the dress and robe of thanks because the details are so great.

  12. Heheheh, wow, today we are learning that people really, really don’t like that crazy hat!

    Any closet hat-lovers out there? 😉

    • *raises hand*
      I have to admit that I love the crazy hats that Lotro has to offer, even though I can never find an outfit to go with. I love the hat with the robe, and I love the details in everything (even the shoes!). I also love the Frostbluff outfits dyed burgundy. In fact, I love this outfit so much I’ll just have to use it on my Lore-Master!

  13. nimesis says:

    I love the hats too, what I hate is that they hide your hair. I think alot of them would look a lot better if you could see our long hair flowing out the bottom 😉

  14. Baranwen says:

    Yay! Another outfit I can copy!! hehehe excellent (evil grin)
    In this set, that hat look very dignified and serious, lol

  15. Adster says:

    ya it accualy kinda looks serious, and if you dont know me i go on cosmetic lotro and i just found this site and i am loving it i also enjoy how much you make elf outfits because my main charr. is a elf warden

  16. Tinu says:

    Very nice. I normally only like this hat on female hobbits but you made it work very well on this scholar

  17. Cath says:

    I love this robe, not sure about the hat though, It reminds me of my old chandalier

  18. jamz says:

    That’s a really cool way to use Frostbluff robe! I haven’t turned that quest in yet, but I think after seeing this outfit I’m going to turn it in and see what I can do with it! Thanks!

  19. Laenlis says:

    Hahaha, that HAT. I love seeing it in great outfits. Love it. 🙂

  20. Ellohir says:

    That robe is gorgeous, I’m glad helping the poor had its rewards and then receiving this as a surprise 😀

  21. It’s so great to hear from you all, thank you so much for your comments! To all the newcomers to the blog, a big warm welcome! 😀

    Again, if you haven’t yet commented so I can enter your name in the TP draw, feel free to comment here, or on Monday’s outfit, or you can wait for tomorrow’s!

  22. Kenny Yeager says:

    I adore the travel pack. I must acquire one. Really like the overall costume. 🙂

  23. Tom says:

    I like the backpack. I’m new to lotro, only started in March. So, I’m still learning about everything. The people in the Kin I belong to take cosmetics seriously, and they were shocked that my character could wear things that don’t match… Hehehe. I like the hat too. I switched my character’s hat off (I don’t usually like hats).

    Thanks for the post. Is there a weekly newsletter or something where we can get email updates to this site?

    • Thanks very much Tom, and welcome! Glad to hear you belong to a fashionable kin! 😀

      There are a couple ways you can keep up to date with posts on the blog. In the column to the right, there is a button that will allow you to subscribe by email; you’ll get an email each time I post something new. If you’re on twitter, you can follow me @thestarrymantle. If you use an RSS feeder (for example Google Reader) you can subscribe using that. Or, you can stop by Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Those are the days I generally post new outfits.

  24. I’m pretty new too! I love reading the outfit blogs but I just absolutely have no talent for it. How do you even get started? It seems so daunting! My characters are all fashion nightmares.

    • Hi Dancing Hare, welcome! 😀

      I think the most organic and pain-free way to get started on some outfits for your characters is to start with a single piece that you like or that speaks to each character, try it on in the dressing room, and then begin trying on other pieces that seem like they might be a good match, whether at your wardrobe/vault, at the auction house, or at the skirmish camps. I always make sure to try on each piece of armour that I loot from monsters, becuase you never know when you’ll get something interesting. I inspect a lot of people to see what interesting items and combinations they may be using. Over time you’ll start to assemble a great, well-matched outfit around your original piece that you can continue to tweak as you go — I’m always updating a dye colour here or a piece there. And having done all this, you’ll start to have a memory for which items have base colours and textures and patterns that will complement certain other pieces.

      A little long-winded, but I hope that helps a little!

  25. Celonglir says:

    I really enjoy reading your blog. I am a lurker, I admit, but I wanted to let you know your efforts have not been in vain! Look forward to reading more!

  26. Alinniel says:

    That’s a hard hat to work with. The only race I’ve thought about trying to use it with is a hobbit.

  27. Flo says:

    Hi there,
    I think this is one of the very few outfits that can pull of that hat. It’s so silly that it just looks wrong most often. In your outfit everything just blends perfectly and it looks really great.

  28. Theofried says:

    I agree wiht the above: The hat does fit great here. I am just not that happy wiht the “scarf” shoulders.. I like them on many outfits..but together with the cleverage on that robe it looks strange. I can´t come up with a better idea though. No shoulders maybe, but not sure about that either.

    • One thing you could try that I think would look excellent is Gwir-palvais (Isengard instance cluster drop) dyed burgundy. This is the light armour “mantle” with the gold hem and the black tree pattern on each shoulder. It comes down far enough in front that it should hide most if not all of the V-neck on the robe! 🙂

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