Second Anniversary

Second anniversary

Hi everyone, today is the second anniversary of The Starry Mantle! That means it’s time, once again, for a slightly tongue-in-cheek — and more-than-slightly self-indulgent — look at the past year at the blog. It also means that, as is only proper in polite Hobbit society, it’s time for me to hand out some presents to show my gratitude to you fine readers! You guys are the best.

I’ve got three prizes up for grabs, dear readers: a Helm’s Deep expansion key (which includes the pre-order goodies), a code for 1,000 TP, and a code for 500 TP.  To be entered in the draw, comment on this post, even if it’s just to say “Hi Starry!” I’ll put your name in my big cake hat and draw the winners. If you’d like to comment but don’t want to be included in the draw, or if you do want to be in the draw but don’t want the expansion key only the TP, let me know in your comment. Make sure to comment using the email address you’d like me to send your prize to, and please comment by Tuesday, 03 Dec, 2013. What time on Tuesday? I don’t know, before the thrush knocks. Very scientific. Good luck!

Who will behold the flowing LOTRO players from the Sea returning?

Well, it’s been a really interesting year for The Starry Mantle. After a strong start over last year’s holiday season, the middle portion of the year saw somewhat sagging readership statistics. I was very sad and my cries of “a-bloo-bloo-bloo” echoed far and wide, but then I recognised that I didn’t have quite as much time and energy to devote to the blog as I did in the early days (when I used to post three times a week), so it would be only natural that some readers would lose interest. Plus, it was summer, and people were no doubt out and about doing summery things rather than playing LOTRO and reading blogs. I also think the longform blog format might be losing ground to other social media like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and so on; for that reason, The Starry Mantle can now be followed on both Twitter and Pinterest. (I’m still a Facebook luddite, though. Would you be interested in following the blog on Facebook? Let me know in the comments!) In spite of all this, in August when I announced that I was changing my posting schedule from “every Wednesday, religiously” to “only when I feel like it, maaan”, readership increased quite dramatically, in fact to the highest levels I’ve had yet. Go figure! But seriously, I’m sure it had less to do with readers being excited about a more relaxed schedule than it did with summer drawing to an end and players returning to LOTRO to get ready for Helm’s Deep, and thus revisiting the various LOTRO-related blogs that they had been following previously.

Whatever the case may be, I want to give a big warm welcome to all readers, both new and returning — and of course those of you “old-timers” who’ve been reading and supporting the blog with your encouragement and kind comments since the early days! I’m thrilled to have each one of you following along and I thank you sincerely for your readership. I invite and encourage you to leave a comment on any post, old or new, if you think an outfit is good, if it offends your every sensibility, or indeed if you would just like to make random, unrelated quips. It’s all good. On the other hand, maybe commenting isn’t your thing. If so, please feel free to use the star-rating widget at the bottom of each outfit post to let the world know what you think. One star for “this outfit is heinous, it visually assaulted me” all the way up to five stars for “the Valar themselves covet this fine getup”. Or whatever you decide the stars mean!

In which I toot my own Horn of Helm Hammerhand

MannequinsOne of the most awesome things to happen on the blog this year was that I was approached by Turbine about featuring some of my outfits on the in-game clothing mannequins. The mannequins feature full cosmetic sets, Middle-earth prêt-à-porter if you will, that have been carefully combined by Turbine staff and also by my esteemed fellow blogger Hymne of Cosmetic Lotro. I always envisioned The Starry Mantle as somewhere LOTRO players could visit for outfit inspiration, either for a few pieces that might act as the foundation of a good outfit, or for a complete look to wear — and the in-game mannequins really facilitate this. So I was very pleased and flattered to have been approached, and of course I gratefully agreed. So far, three quartets of outfits from The Starry Mantle have been featured on the mannequins (the September, October, and November mannequin sets) and it has been an absolute blast to see people running around in them. I hope you enjoy the outfits and the convenience afforded by the mannequins.

Another really nice surprise this year was that I discovered that The Starry Mantle is featured on WordPress’s list of “Awesome Blogs using the Twenty Ten theme”. This won’t mean too much unless you’re a WordPress user, but I was really pleased to be recognised over there. But enough tooting my own horn! Let’s see what else has happened on the blog since last November…


Mugshot Contest sidebarOnce again, there were a number of contests on the blog this year. I teamed up with Hymne for the Mugshot Contest, in which readers sent us shots of their Middle-earth criminals and hooligans in various states of disgrace and defiance. I was also invited by Turbine to co-judge the fan-favourite category, again alongside Hymne, of the LOTRO Fashion Week contest on the official forums. And finally, I hosted the Fool-of-a-Took caption contest, which resulted in a bit of a dig at Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. As we will see, however, Lobelia did go on to be vindicated! Anyway, I love contests because they let you guys show off your creativity, and I’m always surprised, impressed, and inspired by the results. So a big thank you to everyone who participated in the contests I was involved with this year.

Special features

FellowshipTo keep things fresh between outfits, I try to include some special features on the blog from time to time. Of course we had a new batch of Harvestmath guises in October, and back in April, the second annual Fool-of-a-Took Day post (my take on an April Fool’s Day post, in which I get to make goofy, terrible jokes). This year I finished off a long-running Fellowship of the Ring collection (a series of portraits of each member of the company) with a composite image showing the fellowship assembled for their departure from Rivendell. I thought it was a nice way to end the series, and I had a lot of fun putting it together (but expect to see more from the fellowship at some point in the future). I added a series of guides aiming to provide tips for various outfitting topics (the third and final guide is on its way!), and I also introduced a new type of feature that I call “selections“, which feature a themed sampler of outfits that have previously been published on the blog. I thought this would be a great way to acquaint new readers and old-timers alike with past outfits they might have missed. Are there any other sorts of special features you’d like to see on the blog in the future? I’d love to hear ideas or suggestions.

Now for a look at some individual outfits and posts that were noteworthy for various reasons this year:

Most lore-heavy post

Stranger than Hobbit fictionThe lore of Middle-earth is an important part of my vision for the blog, and sometimes I get carried away, trotting out an etymological example or some Tolkien reference and droning on about it. Which I guess is great if, like me, you like that sort of thing (and I think that some of you do!). The example that stands out most to me from this past year was Were-worm of the Last Desert, in which I held forth about my crazy idea that maybe Tolkien had the Primary World Sauromatian peoples in mind when he wrote about the Were-worms in The Hobbit. I don’t think I convinced anyone, but I hope I entertained a few of you with my speculations. Honourable mentions in going lore-overboard (overlored?) surely go to Grammarian of Gondor, Druidess, and Figment of Dwimordene. Drop me a line if there are there any particular lore-related concepts you’d like to see explored and I’ll add them to my brainstorming folder.

Most lore-light post

PDB4As with the blog’s first year, there were posts that had, to put it mildly, not much to do with the lore of Middle-earth. To the surprise of no-one, I’m sure, the worst offender was one of this year’s “Harvestmath guises”. But hey, a goofy post for a goofy time of year. It was the Playdwarf Bunny, of course, a barechested dwarf in a pastel-blue bunny outfit, shimmying saucily for the camera. For the protection of reader eyeballs and psyches, I took the shots in the Thorin’s Hall homestead because the area has a significant bloom visual effect, making it appear that the camera lens is smeared with Vaseline. Your safety and mental health are always forefront in my mind here at The Starry Mantle.

Most flowery text

Winged with fate, her elf-shot arrows flyThings got pretty flowery in the text of Figment of Dwimordene, which I think is among my favourite posts from this past year, both in terms of the outfit and in terms of the text that went with it. I admit that I might have got a bit carried away writing of the beautiful Golden Wood, but what can I say, maybe I was transported to Faërie for a little while. Things can get worse than mere flowery prose though. There could be… poetry. And since I never learn my lesson, this year I once again toyed with the idea of composing poetry for a particular post. It was going to be alliterative verse to be used with the Fauxhirrim Harvestmath guise outfit. But then I thought to myself, “why would you compose poetry for a joke post?” and also, “you are a terrible poet, don’t make people read this”. All that’s left of the attempt is a heck of a lot of alliteration in the text of that post. So once again, good sense prevailed and you were all spared reading an attempt at poetry. At least for another year, because no doubt the temptation will arise again.

Most experimental format

Skin-changerThe usual format I use for an outfit post on the blog is: 1) narrative introduction of the theme/concept; 2) description of the outfit/character; 3) my comments, an explanation of what the heck I was thinking, etc.; 4) the component pieces of the outfit; 5) tips for alternate pieces or where to get pieces; 6) suggestions for other outfits you may like. On a couple of occasions I experimented with deviating significantly from this format, such as in the already-mentioned Were-worm post where I babbled on and on about my pet theory. Another experimental post was the Swan-may, in which I presented a half-baked (yet somehow still really long) thought experiment about what a skin-changer class in LOTRO might be like. A few of you even humoured me with your own thoughts about the idea, which was very nice and all a blogger can ask for, really!

Fun with animals

There was great friendship between ravens of the people of ThrórAnimals are frustratingly difficult to work with, in LOTRO and in Real Life™ (I hear), since they just wander off while you’re trying to pose and take screenshots with them. And if they’re not wandering off, they’re trying to eat your face. In the past, LOTRO critters have caused me a lot of impotent rage. This year, I decided to give my blood pressure a break and I only attempted two sets of screenshots featuring animals. Coincidentally, they were both birds: Swan-may and Raven-friend. The swans kept going arse-up (so rude) but the ravens were pretty well-behaved. For the Raven-friend screenshots I had a lore-master hiding out of the shot with his pet raven obediently perched on the ground near my dwarf. The downside was that neither the swans in Harwick nor the ravens in the Fires of Smaug instance are attackable, and I usually like to end my animal screenshot sessions by giving the pixel-critters a thorough slaughtering. But there’s always next year.

Reader favourites

But there was no doubt she showed more spirit than mostAnd now we come to the fun part. Which outfits did you guys like the best this year? As always WordPress gives a variety of tools to answer this question and none of them are very reliable. If we’re going by star-widget rating, the big favourite this year was the portrait of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Frequently the butt of jokes and scorn from LOTRO players (exhibit A), Lobelia was vindicated by receiving 11 five-star votes, meaning she’s tied with last year’s Satrap of Khand, for all-time reader favourite. Last year I was surprised by how much love Satrap got, since it was a fairly simple outfit composition, and this year I was just as surprised, for the same reason, about Lobelia. Perhaps readers just like granny-fashion and/or redemptive tales of crotchety old hobbit-ladies (both of these things are pretty awesome, after all.)

Eldest son of the StewardBut of course the star-widget doesn’t tell the whole story. Some outfits receive just one 5-star vote and thus are ranked higher by WordPress than an outfit receiving, say, a hundred 5-star votes and one 4-star vote. I often find that outfits which experience a split vote, if you will, are the most interesting (to me, anyway) since I feel like they are the ones where a cosmetic “risk” has been taken that divides opinion. This year’s post that received the most votes but was not highly ranked was Túrin. Twelve readers gave Túrin stars, but not all voted 5, so he ended up about three-quarters of the way down the ranking according to WordPress. Moving on from star-ratings to other methods of determining reader faves, if we instead go by raw number of page views, this year’s champion was the portrait of Boromir — another character with a redemptive story. I’m starting to see a pattern here! Finally, we could take into consideration how many “Likes” an outfit received, in which case it was Mûmak-warrior of Far Harad that came out on top, with six.

Reader not-so-favourites

I can’t talk about what you, the readers, liked without discussing what you didn’t like! First, the good news: this year, I received no citations for hideous headwear! However, I didn’t get away quite scott-free. Again, there are several different ways to tell which outfits you guys thought were crimes against Middle-earth fashion. According to the star-widget, and ignoring Harvestmath guises, since they’re not serious outfits, this year’s least-loved outfit was Swan-may. I’ll admit it’s not the most exciting outfit, in that it features a pretty bland colour scheme and a robe onesie (but on the other hand, Lobelia was pretty popular and she was in a frock onesie — go figure), but I liked the unusual olive-and-biscuit colour-scheme of the whole ensemble. Perhaps people were (quite reasonably) expecting something more pristine white for a swan-themed outfit, or maybe it could have been my musings about a skin-changer class, rather than the outfit itself, that inspired some low-star votes — either way, fair enough!

On patrol

Another way to tell that an outfit wasn’t enjoyed is if it receives comparatively few page views. This year, the outfit with the fewest page views was the poor ol’ Westfarthing Shirriff. He suffers from the opposite problem that the bland Swan-may has: he is wearing a lot of chartreuse (some would say puke green), which is a more-than-sufficient explanation. I have (for some reason) a passion for the colour, but I know that not many share my enthusiasm. Looking back, I wish I had omitted the cloak on the Shirriff. I feel it dectracts from what I think is the main strength of the outfit, the matching of the chartreuse sections of chest and leggings and the matching of the rich brown accents with the hat.

Starry’s favourites

And finally, here’s a selection of outfits from the past year, in no particular order, which turned out to be my own personal favourites!

Well, that’s it for this look at The Starry Mantle’s second year, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Do you have a favourite outfit that wasn’t mentioned, maybe even one that you’ve worn on your character? Or was there an outfit you thought was just nasty and wouldn’t be caught dead in, even on your lowliest storage alt? I’d love to hear about it, so let me know in the comments!

Don’t forget to comment before Tuesday if you’d like to enter the draw for prizes, and until next time, happy outfitting, everyone!

— Starry

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First Anniversary

First Anniversary

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81 Responses to Second Anniversary

  1. galladhwen says:

    Thank you so much for sticking with the outfit creations for over two years!! Thank you so incredibly much. Even though I’ve only been watching your blog for a few months, I’m also so excited when your new creations are posted.
    😀 You’re fabulous and I’m really looking forward to the next year of amazing outfits and conversation. Thank you!!
    ( PS I don’t need to be entered in for the helm’s deep key (already got it!) )

    • Thank you Galladhwen, and welcome! It’s so nice to hear that you’ve been enjoying the blog! 🙂 There are certainly more outfits looming on the horizon, I’m in a very Rohan state of mind at the moment. 😀

      • Galladhwen says:

        Yay Rohan!! I was wondering if you’d be thinking of making an outfit for Eorl the Young? In the lotr lore, he has been one of my favourite characters and not many people know about him, or know who he was.
        Also, I’ve said this before but you mentioned it in this blog post — a Facebook page would be very nice to follow you with, though definitely not necessary.
        You’ve been an inspiration to my own personal outfit creations and my whole outlook on the clothing of Middle-Earth. Thank you once again – I’m so happy you’re here.

        • Eorl the Young fording the Anduin at the Undeeps and charging onto the Field of Celebrant would be a really cool scene to try to recreate. Thanks for the suggestion, definitely something for the brainstorm folder!

  2. Celonglir says:

    I always enjoy your posts and read every one! Unfortunately, I’m a little on the quiet side and don’t comment very often. /blush
    /looks around at the quiet comments section.
    Looks kinda quiet around here, which must mean you just posted.
    I wouldn’t mind being put in the party hat for a TP drawing but I already have HD. 🙂

    • Yay, thanks Celonglir! I understand some folks are shy and don’t like to comment all that much. It’s great to know that you’ve been reading and enjoying. 🙂 I think people don’t have a set schedule for checking the blog since I don’t post at regular intervals any more. Hopefully we’ll hear from lots more before it’s time to make the draw for the prizes!

  3. Starry my dearest, a sincere and heartfelt congratulations on another year of beautiful Lotro outfits. Amazing originality always makes yours stand out and I love the way you always “play” with the surroundings. I know the pace has slowed, but I’m hoping for a few more up and coming outfits over the next year, you are a wonderful inspiration and it’s that quality that matters, not the quantity. Much Love, ~Hymne

    • Aww, thanks so much Hymne. Deep bows and big hugs! 😀 You and your blog have been such an amazing inspiration and really motivate me to try to make a quality outfit every time. I’m looking forward to making many future outfits, and being inspired by many more of your own too!

  4. Naethen says:

    Impressive blog!

  5. booklover777 says:

    I always enjoy seeing your outfits – very inventive! Please enter me for the TP givaways. I already have Helm’s Deep so someone else should enjoy that.

  6. Limm says:

    Grats on two years, I love your blog, you come up with some of the greatest outfits! 🙂

  7. Hadringlost says:

    Un très joyeux anniversaire à Starry et un grand merci pour toutes ces bonnes idées.

    Bonne continuation.

  8. Archegonos says:

    hello starry its my first comment here but im checkin u for quite a time now.well since lvl 1:) keep making those fantastic outfits.i would love to see a dark elf that possible?and put me in the draw:)

  9. gloredh says:

    Happy second anniversary Starry! I Always love how you weave lore and outfits together in your posts, a great outfit can become even better with a nice background story 🙂 Figment of Dwimordene is one of my all time favorites, the black armour on an elf looked very sharp, and the hilarious Bunny dwarf for the “light” lore XD May the new year bring other wonderful outfits!
    (I already have helm’s deep, so I don’t enter in the draw for that)

    • Yay, thanks Gloredh! It’s always great to hear encouragement from a wonderful fellow outfit blogger. 🙂 Great minds think alike, Figment is one of my faves too. Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement as always, they are much appreciated.

  10. Lórinel says:

    Two years already? Oh my, time is running so fast! 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with us- each your post brings a new inspiration. I’m deeply admiring your creativity and taste and I’m always excited to see a new outfit idea from you. Sorry for being one of those shy readers though- I would definitely comment more often if I knew English better and needed less time to put my feelings and opinions into words 😉

    I’ve always loved how lore inspires you to create outfits and generally speaking, those tagged as “culture” are probably my favourite ones. Druidess, Grammarian of Gondor, and Figment of Dwimordene were just amazing. I loved also Prince Imrahil, Theodred, Boromir, Friend to Man, Honoured Yule-friend… oh no, wait, I wanted to pick just a few… 😉

    Thank you once again, Starry. Congratulations on your second anniversary, and keep another spectacular year coming!

    • No need to apologise about commenting Lorinell! I’m just happy to have you as a reader and that you enjoy the posts. Besides, I always know I can count on your great encouragement on Pinterest and Twitter. 🙂 The “culture” tagged outfits are definitely among my favourites too and often the most fun to work on, so it’s wonderful to hear they’re appreciated. Thanks so much for your comment! 😀

  11. cennwyn says:

    *Sings* It seems like only yesterdaaaaay…

    *Dodges the tomatoes*

    Ahem. I guess I better say “well done” in a less ear-splitting manner, eh? And there’s NO such thing as a lore-overboard post!! 🙂

  12. ericrinaldo says:

    Happy second anniversary! I just discovered this and am taking notes! Thanks for putting this together.

  13. Matt says:

    Hi Starry,
    Happy second anniversary! I just finished making one of your outfits and as a result would like to thank you. I really like you outfits and hope that you keep posting. You are awesome!!!! 🙂

  14. As an accomplished non-commenting hanger-around of outfitting blogs, I am very glad to finally have an official excuse to post something. So hi there, Starry, and happy second anniversary! Your creations, and the textual walls of lore that accompany them, have been a continuing source of inspiration to me. Thank you for your tireless efforts to call forth things that live primarily in words, and I wish you the best for the coming year.

    • And I’m glad to hear from you — thank you and welcome to the blog comments section, Genericfantasyname! 😀 “Wall of lore” — love it! Future LM skill name right there.

      But seriously, it’s really great to hear you enjoy the outfits and the accompanying lore — very much appreciated.

  15. Jinxstar says:

    I’m bummed the Swan-may was so unpopular. I thought it was subtle and classy. I think my favorite was the Raven-friend. Outfits that look good on dwarves are hard to find.

    • I agree, Dwarves are hard to dress! I love that hood from Raven-friend, though — I think it looks really great on just about any character. Nice to hear some love for poor ol’ Swan-may as well. 😛

      Thanks so much for your kind comment, Jinxstar!

  16. Ever since I discovered your blog, I enjoyed the lore & inspiration behind all outfits, even the ahem-interesting ones! Some of your outfits served as inspiration in creating outfits for my alts, and I’m always thinking of rolling this and that so I can create outfits for them!

    (p.s. already have HD)

    • Welcome Magnificant! Haha, I do the same — I’ve totally been “forced” to roll an alt to wear some outfit or other that I’ve done for the blog but I’ve enjoyed so much I just can’t let it go! 😉

  17. Becca says:

    Long time lurker, but I’m glad to have a non-awkward reason to post finally: congratulations on two years of your lovely blog! I’ve enjoyed seeing so many inspiring outfits and guides and hope many more are to come! I loved your Lobelia outfit as well, and your recent Iron Crown cultist is another one of my favourites this year.

    Now excuse me. I’m going to go back to lurking and clicking on the pretty stars instead. 😛

    • Yay, thank you Becca! So glad you’ve enjoyed the outfits and the guides. Good old Lobelia too (she’s really not such a bad old lady once you get past her crusty side! 😉 )

      Feel free to lurk at will and enjoy the pretty stars — it’s great to have you as a reader. 🙂

  18. Rene says:

    Hi Starry,
    Happy second anniversary! I would be very happy to win one of ur greate prizes.


  19. Happy Anniversary, Starry! I never end up commenting, but I always enjoy seeing your designs. Here’s to another year–can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next.

  20. Zearrail says:

    Happy second anniversary! Hope to see more of your great posts 🙂

  21. Graye says:

    Congratulations on having made it this far, hope we can see another two years more!
    I’ll be honest, I’ve dropped by this blog in the past but am by no means a frequent visitor; a referral from the Second Breakfast kin brought me back and I’m grateful it did: you have some amazing designs on here! I also rather enjoyed reading your speculation on various bits of Tolkien-esque lore, notably given my adoration of The Silmarillion and other background works by the great man himself.

    Also, I appreciate the breadth of your links, which included a number of sites I’d never heard of before and from whence I gleaned a great deal of useful information (primarily fashion-related, but Warsteeds [which has moved, by the way, you may want to update the link] did lead me to LOTROPlayers that had some pertinent guides to several of my questions).

    As to the contest, I would appreciate an entry for the Helm’s Deep code (along with the TP, of course) as I do not own it and would like to thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway.

    • Hi Graye and hello to all the Second Breakfast folks! 🙂

      It’s great to hear that you’ve enjoyed the outfits and the lore bits, and I’m really glad the links were helpful too. I’ll definitely update the link to Warsteeds, thank you very much for pointing that out. LOTROPlayers has a lot of really great content and dedicated folks running and contributing to it, so I’m glad you found what you needed there.

      Thank you for your kind comment Graye and good luck in the draw!

      • Graye says:

        I really admire that you continue replying personally to all of the comments. The authors of most blogs I visit tend to shy away from doing so, perhaps wary of courting their visitor’s ire, but the personal touch really lets us know you care. Thanks for the reply, Starry, best of luck and Happy Thanksgiving! …provided you celebrate it. 🙂

  22. Sheryl says:

    Hi Starry! Happy 2nd Anniversary! Keep up the good work 🙂

  23. Scott M says:

    Hi Starry! I already wished you a happy anniversary on twitter, but I figured I’d enter the contests as well. I still hope to one day see your take on a lore master of Rohan. I love how you share the lore and I love your outfits. Thank you for your efforts! You are appreciated!

    • Hi Scott, so glad you decided to stop by so I can enter you in the draw! I will definitely brainstorm about a loremaster of Rohan. I’m in quite a Rohan state of mind at the moment.

      Thank you so much for your kind comment Scott, cheers! 😀

  24. Erisdes says:

    Happy 2nd year anniversary! Your outfits are mordorable(ha ha :3 ) You inspire me so much. Don’t stop! Your blog is awesome 😉

  25. Elenluin says:

    Happy 2nd Anniversary! Your outfits have always been more in-touch with the game’s own style. For that reason they seem to come to life more easily, you could populate the game with your models and they’d fit in perfectly.
    I cant count the number of lore facts I’ve learned from reading your ‘lore-heavy’ posts. The most memorable one is that “no one speaks English in middle earth”, it was hard to believe I never thought about it.

  26. NeedaSammich says:

    Happy Anniversary, Starry!

    I have a confession to make: I’m a long-time visitor (lurker), but I never comment. I am however disciplining myself to use the star ranking system with every visit, and I’d like to encourage everyone else to do so, too. It takes a nanosecond and it’s (literally) the least we can do to acknowledge your efforts and let you know we’re paying attention.

    It’s a trite old saying, but please “keep up the great work”!

    • Hello Sammich and welcome to the comments! I love all my lurkers, don’t you worry about that! Stars are great too of course! 😀 Thanks so much for dropping by today and good luck in the draw!

  27. Diamint says:

    I’ve just come back to lotro after a long hiatus and am pleased as punch to see your second anniversary post! You and the other cosmetic bloggers represent a big part of why I think lotro is so special in the MMO universe. The intelligence, inventiveness, humor and love for the subject matter that are displayed here never fail to warm my heart.

    Thanks Starry, for all you do!

  28. Nathrien says:

    Congratulations on your second anniversary Starry and thanks for providing us with another year of fabulous outfits!

  29. mephet says:

    I haven’t commented here for a long time, mostly because I haven’t had time to play LOTRO for ages (I’ve come back to it now though). But I’ve checked this blog from time to time and continue to be delighted by all your wonderful outfits. 🙂 Congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for this blog!

    • Hi Mephet, it’s great to hear from you. It’s nice to see familiar names stopping by to say hello, and very much appreciated. Welcome back to LOTRO and thanks so much for your kind comment. 😀

  30. Alysia says:

    long time reader, love the blog 🙂

  31. RolandoLisi says:

    Hoy there, Starry, and Congratulations! Keep going on! All of my characters’ outfits are based on the ones you build. You helped me out a lot, mainly because I play on an RP server (Laurelin) where having a good outfit is half of the work.

    • Hi Rolando! Thanks so much for your kind comment, and I’m so pleased to hear that you’ve based your characters outfits on ones from the blog. It means a lot and it’s really great to know that the blog is fulfilling the vision I have for it in that way. Cheers! 😀

  32. Here’s to another year of outfitting! =)

  33. shipwreck says:

    Pick me! 😉

    You know I’m a big fan; glad to see you’ve kept this going!

  34. noelleee says:

    Thanks Starry for helping me evolve my style, your outfits are an inspiration. Every time I walk into Lalia’s I’m hoping to see some new outfits that you’ve put together, congrats on your anniversary!

    • Yay, welcome to the comments Noelleee! So glad you enjoy the outfits and thank you for your kind comment! 😀

      Haha, truth be told I’m always excited to see what’s new at Lalia’s too as I have no idea what’s planned — whether each month I’ll see something from Hymne or from this blog. I think some new sets should be appearing sometime this week as a matter of fact!

  35. NativePlay says:

    Whee! What a great post. And a great set of prizes.

  36. mbeckfilmstudie says:

    Interesting blog! Thank you for it!

  37. I’m really stingy with my mithril coins, so even though I usually look at the mannequins, I pretty much always figure I can do without. But not when I saw Red Riding Hood. It was love at first sight and I had to have it. Simple but really pretty: perfect for my shy, youthful loremaster girl from Bree! Thanks for all the great outfits and awesome stories over the past two years!

    • A (mithril) penny saved is a (mithril) penny earned, after all! 😉

      Thanks so much for your kind comment Larhanya. I’m so pleased you enjoyed Red Riding Hood enough to wear on your young loremaster, that’s really wonderful to hear! 😀

  38. Margeylane says:

    Love the recap Starry. 🙂 What a wonderful year you’ve had! I really love all of your outfits. Congrats and here’s to a fantastic 2014!

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